McKenna got a sheep bento. I really didn't like how this one turned out but love the Lunchbots containers! Such a good size.
In her bento she had a sheep-shaped (say that 5 times fast:P) ham sandwich with foodwriter and sugar eyes details. Bean sprouts, flower carrots, flower cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes make the background . In her duo, she has a fruit salad of kiwi, clementine, and cherries in one side and a babybel and crayon pretzels in the other. Lauren came home yesterday starving, starving, starving. She has D lunch so everything is gone except the regular school lunch so she asked for a bento. She got a Sherimiya inspired ninja. You can check out her blog at Happy Little Bento.
So she got a fruit salad of a clementine, blackberries, raspberried, kiwi, and strawberry with a nori wrapped egg. She also got pepperoni, salami, montery jack cheese, and a baby bell. And to top it of 2 crayon pretzels and some cherries. She was happier today (only having a small snack before dinner) and is already planning her bento for tomorrow.
McKenna was starving when she got home so she got a snack bento of pirate booty, cherries, and a mini chocolate chip muffin.
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