Backpacks are packed. Clothes, shoes, and hair accessories are laid out. McKenna's alarm is set for 6:30. And the lunch is packed. I started thinking about this bento weeks ago. McKenna will be starting at a new school tomorrow. And I will not be there with her all day. Not that I was one of those helicopter moms that teachers can be. I let her be independent and tried not to meddle in her business. I always have her a quick squeeze in the cafeteria last year because her class was already seated when my class came in. I am really going to miss catching a glimpse of her in the hallways or having her come to my classroom to deliver a message. So I tried to find a way to make her first day of school lunch special. Her new school mascot is a raccoon. I searched and searched for a raccoon bento I thought I could duplicate but never found one. So I cheated:) I found raccoon Littlest Pet Shop toys (which she loves at the moment) and incorporated them in her bento. She has no idea what is in store for her when she opens her lunch tomorrow! So here it is:
She has grapes, raspberries, and blackberries, pretzel crayons, and a babybel in her small container. In her large container, she has carrots, cherry tomatoes, and green cauliflower with a container of green goddess for dipping and three heart sandwiches that say I *heart* U. And her newest Littlest Pet Shop critters. Oh and the directions for the crayons are available at the following blog:

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